Bladder Wellness:Bladder Infection, UTI, Cystitis Ayurveda Gets Effective Natural Results

In my clinic in Santa Rosa . California everyday people come in and say they have a bladder infection they took antibiotics but it keeps coming back and their MD doesn't want to give them more antibiotics, that is the safe place where natural medicine comes in, I use Ayurveda food and herbs to clean the bladder, kidneys and ureters and saturate with nutrients and see results commonly.BLADDER INFECTIONS (CYSTITIS)Bladder infections (cystitis) can occur in anyone—men, women, and children. However, women are affected most often, and between10 and 15 percent of all women experience at least one bout of cystitis at some point in their lives. Although you may have an infection without noticeable symptoms, most people do suffer from at least one of the following telltale signs: burning sensation during urination, a strong urge to urinate even when little urine is passed, frequent urination (often of small amounts), a cramping feeling, and itching. Some people also have cloudy or blood-tinged urine, lower abdominal or back pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, and a general malaise.As with all infections, cystitis results from the combination of theperson's weakened resistance to infection and the presence of"germs," in this case bacteria. In women bacteria from the anus don't have far to go to reach the urethra (the tube leading from the bladder to the outside of the body).Women's urethras are only one-half inch long (compared with men's, which are several inches long and located some distance from the anus), so bacteria have only a short trip to the bladder. If the area has been irritated, for example by sex, bike riding, or the inflammation caused by a vaginal infection, a woman's ability to resist a bladder infection may be weakened.Ayurveda says : We don't treat the disease ,we treat the body type with the disease. Vata-Body Type bladder infection (cystitis) is chronic, bothersome, and tends to come and go.Pitta -Body Type bladder infection (cystitis) is characterized inflammation reddness, burning urination, and fever.The Kapha Body Type  bladder infection (cystitis) is characterized by excess mucus production.Cystitis may progress to the kidneys or bloodstream, potentially serious conditions, so it should be diagnosed initially by a health professional and monitored if symptoms are severe, prolonged, or recurrent.Antibiotics may rid the body of the current crop of bacteria but will not strengthen the body to resist future infections.AYURVEDIC SELF-CAREFollow the appropriate Daily Lifestyle Regimen for your dosha, with kaphas avoiding mucus-producing dairy productsPittas avoiding spices, nightshade vegetables, and alcohol. Pittas may also benefit from drinking cranberry or pomegranate juice. In addition women can prevent future occurrences of cystitis by wiping from front to back after a bowel movement and changing sanitary napkins and tampons frequently during their periods.Avoid products and practices that could irritate delicate urogenital tissues, such as deodorant products, tight clothing, and caffeine.Irritation may occur from an improperly fitted diaphragm, so check the size with your health professional;if you suspect spermicidal foams and jellies may be causing an irritation, try changing brands. You may also use the following remedies during a bout of cystitis.You can learn so much more about how to use Ayurveda by taking my Ayurveda Made Easy Online Course.When you take my clear, concise , easy, and simple Ayurvedic Online Course in ten sessions you will understand in plain English, in the convenience of your own home how  to identify your ayurveda body type, understand how the season effects your food choices, learn why your age factors into your diet and lifestyle and so much more. No confusion, know how to balance your body from an Ayurvedic approach right here ! Right NowClick Here  to join me and learn Ayurveda an ancient wellness science can help you go into your kitchen after class and cook a remedy that helps you have  healthy bladder wellness.


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