Fatigue, Just Really Feeling Tired, Even After A Long Night Sleep? Ayurveda Has Answers

Fatigue, just really feeling tired, even after a long night sleep? Although low energy and fatigue are often viewed as inevitable signs of aging, a healthy body at any age supports a healthy, active mind. Fatigue and low energy are often signs of our bodies crying out for help.

In Ayurveda fatigue is a tridoshic disorder; that is, it involves all three systems, nervous system, digestive system, and immune system along with heart and circulatory system. We have to clean and saturate  the systems with nutrients..First, nervous sytem becomes imbalanced, then the digestive system  fire loses its gastric juices strength, and immune system becomes clogged and stickier  as it tries to stabilize the electricity of the nervous system. If the nervous system goes into fight or flight, the gastric juices are either secreting too much or too little. The digestive fire can't metabolize food, emotions, or thoughts.The whole mind- body is in a continuous state of alarm and feels undernourished and exhausted. The blood begins to dry up as in the fluid portion of the blood dehydrates. This reduce natural ability of the blood to distribute nutrients and oxygen hence the body becomes fatigue.The causes for the initial nervous system  imbalance are endless—mental or emotional stress, overwork, overstimulation, understimulation, wrong foods, irregular habits, insomnia—and need to be addressed for permanent, long-term results. Follow the Daily Lifestyle Regimen that will balance vata. . . Better to start the day with Spice Water tea, meditation, and by giving yourself an daily oil massage massage.
  • For exhaustion, take 1 teaspoon brahmi (gotu kola) with 1 cup warm milk as needed.
  • For fatigue and weakness, combine 1 teaspoon jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), 1 teaspoon ghee, and 1 teaspoon honey; take twice a day.
  • The Ten-Day Ginger Treatment is one of the best ways to stimulate the digestive fire so that you can metabolize all your experiences and provide your mind-body with the nourishment it needs to feel energetic again.
 You can learn more about ayurvedic recipes and practicesthat determine treatment choices in Ayurveda by taking my online course Ayurveda Made Easy.

When you take my clear, concise , easy, and simple Ayurvedic Online Course in ten sessions you will understand in plain English, in the convenience of your own home how  to identify your Ayurveda body type, understand how the season effects your food choices, learn why your age factors into your diet and lifestyle and so much more. No confusion, know how to balance your body from an Ayurvedic approach right here ! Right Now Click Here 



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