Safe and effective Chiropractic
Locate the source of your symptoms, treat the underlying cause today
Treating the cause
Nerves control the function and physiology of your body. When your spine is out of alignment or not moving properly it can affect your health by disrupting nerve flow. When irritated, these nerves alert your brain that something is wrong.
When your spine is out of alignment or not moving properly, your muscles try stabilize and protect the area making you feel stiff, sore, and tired, or develop into more chronic or acute pain.
Restore balance and function.
Chiropractic adjusting aims to restore your body’s balance and function to correct the underlying cause of your symptoms with treatments that are as painless as possible.
Impulse adjustments are very precise, targeted adjustments designed to provide controlled treatments to the specific areas you’re having trouble with. Getting you back to feeling yourself again quickly and effectively is our primary goals.
How does it feel?
Chiropractic adjustments with the Impulse iQ feel like a light tapping sensation on the area that is being treated. In most cases the treatment is painless and after the adjustment many patients feel relief of pain and improved mobility.
Of course, results do vary from case to case and chronic conditions, inflammation or muscle spasms may delay these positive effects.
Chiropractic with Impulse iQ®
Revolutionary advancements in science and technology have created the Impulse iQ® adjusting instrument. Just as lasers have replaced scalpels in some surgeries, advanced technology has become available to chiropractors to assist in delivering chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Helen uses the Impulse iQ to provide this treatment rather than the traditional manual methods.
The Impulse Adjusting Instrument® is a patented and FDA registered device specifically created to deliver gentle and precise chiropractic adjustments relieve pain and restore function.
Impulse iQ® Adjusting
The Impulse iQ® device produces a controlled force that chiropractors can use to treat different areas of the body. Computer-assisted chiropractic adjusting gives the doctor objective feedback about how your problem area is responding in real-time for custom tailored treatment just for you.
Innovating Chiropractic
The state-of-the-art Impulse iQ® biofeedback sensors developed for Impulse iQ technology create gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments that are safe and effective. Computerized adjustments with Impulse iQ® precisely measure how the spine is moving during the adjustment to optimize your treatments effectiveness.
Advantages of Technology
Impulse iQ® incorporates controlled force for specific areas of the body and to treat patients of all ages. The controlled low force thrust makes treatments comfortable. The motion involved in Impulse iQ® adjusting is 100x faster than manual chiropractic adjustments, faster than the body’s tendency to tighten up and resist the during a traditional adjustment.