“True health comes from getting to the core of illness — I’m here to put you on the path of physical and mental wellbeing.”
— Dr. Helen Thomas DC
Dr. Helen M. Thomas DC
Dr. Helen, is a native Californian and a resident of Sonoma County for over 40 years. Her journey exemplifies her belief in the power and potential of alternative medicine.
Dr. Helen started practicing chiropractic in 1982 after graduating from the United States’ premier center for Chiropractic education, Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. From the start she has continued to research leading alternative treatments, holistic medicine, and innovative health technologies.
In 1984 she began training as an Ayurvedic physician, she was one of the first Chiropractors to take classes with Deepak Chopra and Vaidya J.R. Ragu, as well as coursework at Maharishi International University. Her Ayurvedic studies included multiple residencies in Pune, India with Dr. Narendra Pendse.
In 1985, she began to expand her practice to include a full breadth of holistic practices, starting with Ayurveda, but soon after adding non-invasive allergy elimination treatment, cutting edge laser therapy, and of course the most up to date chiropractic science and technology. Recently Dr. Helen has add cold laser weight loss and stress relief treatment to her in-clinic services.
Dr. Helen speaks about Ayurveda
A note about innovative technology and your health care experience
Dr. Helen employs the most modern innovations in health technology for diagnosis, treatment, and care. Using leading edge innovation provides “more for less” – more value, better outcomes, greater convenience, access and simplicity; all for less cost, complexity, and time required by the patient and the provider, in a way that expands what is currently possible for practitioners using only traditional methods.
With medical innovations, past and future, comes the benefit of incalculable billions of dollars in savings to patients, their families, insurers, employers, governments and hospitals in avoided medical expenses associated with keeping people healthy or curing them of a life-long, chronic condition.
Certainly, these medicines, therapies, medical technologies, devices and diagnostic tools keep people healthier. They limit the need for frequent visits to the doctor. They help to avoid costly hospital stays. They help patients avoid expensive surgeries.
Schedule a Consultation
Call today to setup an appointment. Talk to Dr. Helen and learn how Thomas Chiropractic & Ayurveda brings relief and long-lasting health.
(707) 527-7313