Know Your Toddler's Ayurveda Body Type To Support Their Healthy Mind Body Growth.
Vata Toddlers . . .are busy, busy, busy have active imaginations are happy to be alone and be in a fantasy world do not like loud, fast noises do not like naps fidget and move a lot eat lots of small meals like to participate, but feel intimidated by lead rolesPitta Toddlers . . .are creative like to play in groups and lead the games eat good meals, get cranky if eating is delayed get rashes easily may have food allergies and sensitivities get frustrated easily, but forget about it fast and move on to the next enterprise play intensely, then crash for a nap, which reenergizes them like to do important jobs and will do them expertly Kapha Toddlers . . .participate joyously are observers, not leaders remember every fact and will repeat them to you if asked can play for a long time without a nap are basically very contented if out of balance, are possessive with toys and with Mom and DadThe most important gift you can give your baby each day is the gift of sesame oil massage (this is called abhyanga) . This massage is the foundation of good health for the rest of your baby's life.Learn more for yourself about Ayurveda.Click Here