Stop The Virus : Eat Vegetables According To Your Body Type!
Virus Season Comes Early Stays Late This Season
Last year, I was very busy working with folks helping to detox, desensitize, and nourish the tissues to fight off virus, bacteria & colds. In the screen shot below is an example of articles written this year about colds, virus and bacteria season. It is July 10, 2019 as I write this article and I have treated three cases of flu this week. This inspired me to bring to light the need to prepare your body for virus, bacteria and cold season in general.
Ayurveda's Define Your Health
Good health
for all 12 Ayurvedic body-types is defined
strong gastric juices
The Five Senses Are Healthy
Appetite, Sleep. and Bowels Move Daily.
One feels even-tempered, and bliss rises from within with natural ease.
The Nervous system,Digestive System, and Immune System Must Be Clean And Nourished To Fight Off Virus, Bacteria, and Colds.
A healthy Immune System is linked directly to quality of gastric juices: HCL, mucosal lining, and pepsin.
and how they are affected fight and flight (anxiety in nervous system),
2. if digestive system is acidic or not enough acid,
3. and if there is undigested food that makes the small and large intestines sticky and polluted.
So if the body is not clean, nourished, and rested to fight off Virus, Bacteria and Colds then you may succumb to a virulent pest- the many kinds of viruses this season.
Ayurveda Teaches That Your Healthy Food Choices Are Directly Related To Your Body Type.
enough specific body-type vegetables
enough specific body-type fruit
enough specific body-type whole grains
less salt.
pitta vegetables
kapha vegetables
Want to learn more?
When you take my clear, concise, easy, and simple Ayurvedic Online Course in ten sessions you will :
understand Ayurveda Principles in plain English;
learn in the convenience of your own home;
learn how to identify your Ayurveda body type;
learn how to do daily oil massage;
understand how the season effects your food choices;
learn why your age factors into your diet and lifestyle;
learn how to balance your body from an Ayurvedic approach.