Do you Have Muscle stiffness? Muscle Spasms? Aching Muscles? Ancient System of Medicines Have Answers.

Do you have Muscle stiffness?Muscle spasm?Aching muscles?Muscle stiffness is one of the most common complaints of modern civilization-80 percent of American adults suffer from muscle stiffness, muscle spasm, and aching muscles can lead to neck and back pain at some point in their lives, and it is the leading cause of worker disability.It is also one of the most difficult and frustrating conditions to treat using the tools of standard Western medicine—painkillers, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, and surgery .Most people who suffer from muscle stiffness, muscle spasm and aching muscles that may also cause back and neck pain never pinpoint the exact cause.It may be a specific injury due to overexertion or sudden movement; or it could be a lifelong posture problem finally catching up with you; or it might occur after staying in an unusual or uncomfortable position for a prolonged period of time.Often a muscle strain is involved. Ligaments along the spine and muscles in the abdomen and lower back keep the back in balance. When these muscles are weak, they can't support the torso properly. As a result they can overstretch and then strongly contract, giving us a painful muscle spasm. Being out of shape is part of the problem, and being overweight compounds the precarious situation. Ligaments (tough bands that attach bones to nearby bones) can become overstretched due to years of poor posture, putting more strain on the muscles and allowing joints to wear out, both of which can add to back problems. Emotions influence your
muscles and back as well. Back complaints can even be "solutions" to hidden social and emotional conflicts or misunderstandings.AYURVEDIC SELF-CAREDo you have Muscle stiffness?Muscle spasm?Aching muscles?Ayurvedic practices and remedies can prevent back pain and speed healing of acute back pain due to injury. To prevent problems, follow the appropriate Daily Lifestyle Regimen for your dosha, making a strong effort to practice yoga regularly and deep breathing and alternate-nostril breathing daily. Get adequate rest—be in bed by ten P.M. and up by six A.M. If you have a sedentary job or life, sit less often—sitting puts a strain on your lower back. Change positions as often as possible. Lie down to read, stand to talk on the phone, and shift positions and take frequent breaks (about every hour) to move your back. Spending long hours standing also stresses the back. Use a back support when sitting, such as a "lumbar roll" or pillow, or a rolled-up towel taped securely to the chair back. Lose weight if you are overweight. Learn the proper way to use your back, especially when lifting heavy objects: Bend from the knees, not from the waist, and use your thigh muscles, not your back muscles. Avoid lifting until your back is healed.If you are having muscle spasm, muscle stiffness or muscle aching  leading to back pain, apply wet heat to ease the pain. Never use dry heat directly on the skin, as it can dehydrate the tissues. You may need to rest the injury for a day or two, but prolonged bed rest is not advisable. Other healing systems can contribute to the healing process, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, massage, and physical therapy.HERBAL REMEDIES
  • Take 1/2 teaspoon triphala mix with 1/2 teaspoon of ashwaghanda mixed with 1/2 cup warm almond milk twice a day.
  • Drink 6 ounces each of beet, cucumber, and parsley PUREE add water to tase taste can be taken hot or cold.
IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS FOR muscle stiffness, muscle spasm, aching muscles and BACK AND NECK PROBLEMSSeek medical attention if the back pain is accompanied by fever, if you have trouble with either your bowels or your bladder, your urine smells unusual or has blood in it, or you have difficulty moving or feeling your legs. Back pain can be an indication of serious health problems such as arthritis, kidney disease, or cancer. Recurrent back muscle spasm, muscle stiffness and aching muscle pain or pain that doesn't improve within one week of Ayurvedic treatment should also be evaluated professionally .

Do this relaxation Meditation twice a day morning and evening.Progressive Muscle RelaxationThis is a simple, no-frills technique used to relax the mind-body by alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles. It may take about a half hour at first, but with time it becomes easier and you will achieve the relaxed state sooner. Make sure you are in quiet surroundings—no TV or radio playing, telephone unplugged or off the hook. Have the room temperature on the warm side; keep a blanket handy in case you feel chilly during the process. To begin, lie down on a comfortable surface, close your eyes, and take a few deep, slow breaths. Direct your attention to your right leg. Stretch it away from your body, pointing your foot hard; hold until it begins to tremble slightly and then let go and allow it to relax completely. Repeat with the left leg. Next move your attention to your right arm, stretch it and then let it go limp as you did with your leg. Clench your hand into a tight fist; hold and then release. Stretch the fingers out straight; hold and then release. Proceed to alternately contract and then relax the muscles of your hips (contract buttocks, then release), waist (pull in your stomach, then release), back (press your lower back to the floor, then release), chest (contract your ribs inward so that your chest becomes concave, then release), shoulders (scrunch them up toward your ears, then relax them back down), and scalp (wiggle your ears, move your eyebrows up and down, then release). Finally, move to your face: Open your mouth and eyes wide, next scrunch them in, then let the muscles go. Take a few deep, slow breaths (breathe slowly and rhythmically throughout) and repeat the exercise. Then just lie still for ten minutes or so, allowing. your mind to let go of whatever is bothering you. If thoughts enter, just let them float by without trying to stop them. When you are ready, stretch your arms overhead, point your feet, take a deep breath, and gradually open your eyes and return to your surroundings.

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