Three Ayurveda Recommendations To Flush Inflammation
Symptoms of Inflammation can be pain, soreness, rash, and tenderness. The word inflammation in Ayurvedic science is related to a pitta Imbalance. Inflammation is well-known in medical research in this decade and years before. Inflammation has become a common subject in popular health magazines. We are all served by so much attention given to the widespread affliction in the body called inflammation.
Ayurveda had identified inflammation and its correlating imbalances as a pitta imbalance.
The first recommendation to flush inflammation is to understand a little about how Ayurveda understands and approaches inflammation.
The three categories of inflammatory types are doshic imbalances which mean bio-systems.
Pitta imbalances and those related to digestive inflammation, skin, eyes, and heart.
Vata imbalances, inflammation related to the nervous system and its relationship to digestion as in elimination for example constipation.
Kapha imbalances are inflammation related to the immune system, the mucosal lining, moisture in the pericardial sac, cerebrospinal fluids, and the fluids of the joints.
The following are just some examples of symptoms related to Inflammation:
If you have burning in your hands or feet, your face is always hot, or you have acid reflux flush-pitta inflammation.
Vata inflammatory symptoms can be fight or flight anxiety symptoms, insomnia, and constipation.
Kapha inflammatory symptoms are severe stiffness in joints, tightness in the chest, and memory loss. mucus in the morning.
Ayurveda recommends the first detox with a simple tea you can buy at any big store and in many organic health food stores it is produced by Traditional Medicinals. The tea is Smooth Move Tea.. The instructions say to steep for 15 minutes or more. Ayurveda is recommending you steep for 5-7 minutes and do it nightly for three weeks before bed. You are doing this to detox the inflammation agents out of the body a little at a time not to trigger a dramatic elimination. This will help you with inflammation in Vata and Kapha doshas.
The second recommendation is to eat Pitta vegetables. Pick from this list the veggies that you like best and make sure you have two cups daily for ninety days to help flush inflammation out of the body and saturate the tissues with nutrients that accelerate the healing of the inflamed tissues.
Nutritional research proved that broccoli is the most effective vegetable to help the liver detox the body of inflammation agents and other body waste.
Look up the video: The Best Detox from
Find out why Broccoli beat out all other vegetables tested in Double-Blind Randomized research.
The three recommendations are Smooth Move tea Medicinal Traditionals,
Broccoli to accelerate detoxification and one teaspoon of turmeric powder as a spice in your cooking daily.
Eating vegetables with natural and-inflammatory agents in Ayurveda called Pitta pacifying vegetables.
If you need help understanding how Ayurveda can help your individual body you can call 707-527-7313 and get an Online zoom consultation. I look forward to meeting you. You can always come into the office in Santa Rosa, California.