Dr. Helen Thomas DC

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Ayurveda's Keys to Health and Long life.

Ayurveda's keys to health and long life. Love, happiness, and clarity in our relationships and everyday life are important to good health and long life.Get out in the fresh air and sunlight every day for at least twenty minutes. Take a walk, sit outdoors when you eat lunch. Being around nature is a traditional Ayurvedic prescription, and recent studies support the observation that nature is good for your health. Do yoga every morning.Sip boiled water throughout the day. Most beneficial is to drink pure spring water or filtered water that has been boiled for ten minutes. Let the water cool to room temperature and sip one or two ounces every half hour to restore balance to your bioenergetic body.This practice of drinking bio-energetically treated water is inexpensive, easy, and very powerful for balancing all three doshas.The boiling is not for the purpose of purifying the water but rather because it is an energetic treatment. Boiling creates movement, which stimulates vata; it creates heat, which stimulates pitta; and it creates steam, which stimulates kapha.Tongue ScraperClean your tongue, not just your teeth. After you have cleaned your teeth in the morning, scrape the ama from your tongue every day. It is preferable that vatas use a gold tongue scraper, pittas use silver, and kaphas use copperA stainless steel scraper is acceptable for everyone. There are also plastic tongue scrapers available at pharmacies, or you can simply use your toothbrush to use forward-moving strokes beginning at the back of the tongue to remove the morning residue coating your tongue. Be careful not to scrape too far back on your tongue, or you will trigger the gag reflex. Scraping is said to stimulate the digestive fire and also remove bacteria from your tongue.Use television prudently, if at all. Television can have a negative or a positive effect, depending how you use it.The movies "Heal an illness" as chronicled by Norman Cousins in his classic book, Anatomy of an Illness. But watching too much increases vata because it stimulates your sight and hearing, and increases kapha beIt can help cause of its passive nature. Watching shows that are violent or frightening and full of negative emotions may make a subtle impression on the dosha associated with those emotions.Sex: Ayurveda believes that sex is a wonderful part of life and can enhance spirituality. Generally it is thought that having sexual relations twice a week is healthy, but everyone should obey his or her natural urges while in a balanced state.You can learn so much more about how to use Ayurveda by taking my Ayurveda Made Easy Online Course.When you take my clear, concise , easy, and simple Ayurvedic Online Course in ten sessions you will understand in plain English, in the convenience of your own home how  to identify your Ayurveda body type, understand how the season effects your food choices, learn why your age factors into your diet and lifestyle and so much more. No confusion, know how to balance your body from an Ayurvedic approach right here ! Right NowClick Here to Sign Up For My Ten Week Class. You can take class in the comfort of your own home.